The Best Matching Pajamas for Your Next Girl's Trip

Now that your crew is vaccinated you might be considering a girl's trip so you can catch up in person and enjoy time with your old friends. It all sounds like fun until one of them suggests wearing matching pajamas that aren't quite your vibe. After all, you're more concerned with sleeping well on your few nights away from the kids than an Instagram photo op.
If you're anything like me you prefer a more sophisticated set of PJs in the evening, something soft, sweat-wicking, and free of scratchy seams.
If you're stressing out about it, consider gently suggesting that your crew try one of these other options, and include these three great reasons for the change.
1. Let them know that you're a sensitive sleeper and you could really use a good night's sleep.
2. Explain that you recently purchased new pajamas and you'd really like to wear them on the trip. They're awesome, and you think everyone would be super happy if they had a pair.
3. Elaborate that if you all wear the latest seasonal PJ color it will still look really great on Instagram, even without a quote on the front of your shirt.
Bonus: If any kids are joining you on the trip they can match too.
Check out our latest collection of matching PJs for your next girl's trip.